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What is Telecommuting? 

What is Telecommuting?

Remote work became popularized due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and now, four years later, it has become a viable option for those who wish to work outside of the traditional office setting. This approach is known as telecommuting, and it can be an excellent choice for individuals who seek a more flexible work schedule. In this article, we will delve further into the concept of telecommuting, discussing its benefits, as well as the various types of telecommuting jobs available, complete with examples.

What is Telecommuting?

Telecommuting, also referred to as teleworking, is a work arrangement that involves performing work duties remotely using various telecommunication tools such as phone, email, and internet platforms like Slack or Skype. This practice is quite distinct from freelancing as it specifically involves individuals working remotely for a particular company. It allows employees to work from the comfort of their home or any other location outside the company’s office, thus reducing commuting time and expenses. In recent years, telecommuting has become increasingly popular due to its numerous benefits, including increased productivity, reduced stress levels, and better work-life balance.

Types of Telecommuting

If you have access to a dependable internet connection, you can perform a variety of jobs from the comfort of your own home. These jobs can be classified into three primary categories based on how and where the work is carried out. By exploring each category in depth, you can find the perfect remote job that suits your skills and preferences.

There are numerous telecommuting job opportunities available across various industries, including customer service, sales and marketing, information technology, education, training, coaching, healthcare, administration, and more.

Work-from-home job

In this category, there are types of work that may or may not require a designated home office or a strict schedule. Nonetheless, the option to work remotely from home has gained immense popularity in recent years. As a result, companies are now setting higher expectations for their employees, including the ability to meet deadlines and utilize the outcomes of their work to effectively manage and optimize their time.

Online job

This category of work provides complete location independence, allowing employees to work remotely without the obligation of reporting to an office. These virtual jobs are often offered by businesses that do not have physical locations and may employ independent contractors or freelancers. In some cases, specific locations may be required for tax and regulatory purposes, but overall virtual jobs offer a great deal of flexibility.

Remote work

The third category pertains to the concept of remote work, wherein an individual can perform their job duties from a location other than their employer’s physical office. This may include working from a coworking space, a coffee shop, or even from the comfort of their own home. It should be noted, however, that there may be certain occasions wherein the remote worker may need to physically travel to their company’s office for essential meetings or other important business matters. It should also be pointed out that individuals who frequently travel for work, such as business developers, can also be classified as remote workers.

The Pros and Cons of Telecommuting

The pros of TelecommutingThe cons of Telecommuting
Flexibility. You can work on the schedule you decide with your manager.Possible distractions
Saves money because you’re not commuting to and from the office.Can be difficult to “unplug” from the environment that is surrounding you.
Employee satisfactionFeeling alone since you are not around people.
Increased productivityManagers might not know how to stay connected with you and monitor you closely as they could in the office.
Work/life balance. You will be able to plan your day to day tasks and also have time for your personal life.In person meetings are not possible since you are working from a different location.
No commuting. That saves you money on gas and time getting to and from the office.A form of detachment. There is no opportunity for bonding with co-workers. Feeling isolated from the world.
More freedom, you are able to plan your daily tasks accordingly. It is possible for some employees to exploit their ability to manage their own work schedules.

Telecommuting Best Practices

If you are considering telecommuting, there are many practices that could prove beneficial for you. It is important to be aware of these practices so that you can make the most out of your telecommuting experience. Let’s take a closer look at some of these practices and how they can help you succeed while working remotely.

  • Create trust within your team. It’s important to establish trust with your manager. They can foster a positive work environment and culture by having faith that their employees are giving their best effort.
  • Set goals to stay productive. Working from home can make it hard to stay productive. However, managers should only worry about an employee’s productivity if they are not meeting their goals while working remotely.
  • Motivate teamwork within your remote team. Collaboration is crucial, even when your team members are not physically together. To maintain connectivity, organizing team activities is an effective approach.
  • Organize in person meetings. It’s a great way to have in person meetings. Management should make time to meet with their remote employees in person so the team could establish a professional and friendly relationship.
  • Always include telecommuters in special events. In order to foster a sense of team unity and inclusivity, it is essential to make a concerted effort to involve telecommuters in office-based meetings and events. By providing opportunities for remote workers to participate in these gatherings, they can feel more connected to their colleagues and to the overall mission of the organization. This can ultimately lead to increased morale, productivity, and job satisfaction for all members of the team.
  • Make sure your telecommuter’s work schedule fits their needs. Many employees who work remotely prefer a flexible work arrangement that prioritizes work-life balance. It is important for management to support this preference.
  • Be clear about your team’s goals. It is crucial to consistently communicate daily expectations, goals, and key performance indicators to all members of the team. By ensuring that team members are fully informed and aware of what is expected of them, they can better focus their efforts and work towards achieving the desired outcomes. This level of open and transparent communication is essential for promoting teamwork, encouraging accountability, and ultimately driving success for the organization.
  • Get the correct technology to support telecommuting. Ensure that the technology and software used are accessible and user-friendly for telecommuters. 
  • Provide IT assistance. As a manager, it is important to provide telecommuters in your company with access to the IT team for assistance with any device or software issues. Telecommuters rely on their technology to communicate effectively.


What is another name for telecommuting?

“Working remotely” is another term used to describe telecommuting.

What kinds of telecommuting jobs are there?

  • Sales and Marketing
  • IT 
  • Customer Service 
  • Online ESL Instructor 
  • Administration
  • Healthcare professionals 
  • Business Development Managers 
  • Copywriter 

What’s the difference between telecommuting and working remotely?

It’s common for people to mix up the terms, but working remotely means that an employee does their job entirely from a different location than their office. On the other hand, telecommuting means the employee is close enough to the organization that they can work on-site at least some of the time.


Telecommuting refers to working outside of a company’s physical space while using your own devices to complete your job. This term can also be referred to as teleworking, e-commuting, or working remotely. As a telecommuter, you have the option to work either full-time or part-time and can discuss your preferred schedule with your manager as long as all tasks are completed on time. Telecommuting offers many benefits such as flexibility, cost savings, and a better work-life balance. However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks as well. Good luck with your decision!